


My Lecture Schedule


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Rising to the Occasion: Appearance, Emergence, Light and Divination in Hellenistic Astrology

At the University of Kent at Canterbury Conference: THE IMAGINAL COSMOS: Astrology, Divination and the Sacred

October 2-3, 2004

Go to http://www.kent.ac.uk/secl/thrs/divconference/index.html for information and to register

The divinatory or oracular origins of astrology have been discussed before by writers such as Cornelius and Schmidt. This paper will explore astrological origins as descendants or cousins of divinatory practices such as the oracle at Delphi; and the importance of light, appearance and emergence from darkness in astrological craft. The earliest astrological significations emphasized appearance, especially in relation to the Sun. I will investigate the Sun's connection both to oracular and to astrological divination. I will also consider "oracular" astrology juxtaposed to what might be called "rational" astrology, and the integration of these two systems into a complete astrological discipline.

Ancient Science and Astrology

At Bath Spa University, Bath, England

Tuesday, October 5, 2003 (not open to the public)


An exploration of the connections among ancient Greek scientific theories, astrological elements, ancient Greek medicine and astrological determination of temperament.


Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key

A Day Workshop

October 9, 2004 at Bath Spa University College


This is a day workshop devoted to introducing the concept of temperament and its history in astrology.  Dorian will explain what temperament is; the qualities of hot, cold, wet and dry as components of the elements, planets, signs and humors; and the humors themselves: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.  We will explore the ideas of  Empedocles, Hippocrates, Aristotle, the Stoics, Ptolemy and Galen, as well as the medieval astrologers who used temperament in chart analysis.  We will also discover the modern applications of temperament in the work of people such as Carl Jung and Rudolf Steiner.  Finally, Dorian will talk about the study she did on assessing temperament in the birthchart, and the methods she uses for applying this technique in our astrological work. 


The second part of the day will be devoted to putting these techniques into practice.  Why is temperament something astrologers should use in chart interpretation?  What is your temperament, and how is it reflected in your birthchart?  We’ll use the charts of some well-known people (George Bush, Barbara Walters and George Harrison, among others), and there will be lots of time to practice the technique and really get it under your belt.


Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key: an introduction

At the Astrological Lodge of London, London, England

ALL website: http://www.astrolodge.co.uk/index.html

October 11, 2004

In this introduction to temperament and how it can be used in astrological practice, Dorian will explain the ancient concept of temperament and its long history in astrology.  She will talk about the qualities hot, cold, wet and dry as components of the elements, planets, signs and humors; and the humors themselves: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.  Why is temperament something astrologers should use in chart interpretation? What is your temperament, and how is it reflected in your birthchart?  Drawing on her own research, and using modern charts as examples, Dorian will outline ways for you to incorporate this ancient doctrine into your own astrological practice.

Past Lectures 2003 and 2004

Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key

A Day Workshop: 10 am – 4:30 pm

April 5, 2003 at The Astrology Institute, 594 Marrett Rd. (Rte. 2A), #20, Lexington, MA

Cost: $75

Email me for details or to register: astrology@aurumtel.com


This is a day workshop devoted to introducing the concept of temperament and its history in astrology.  Dorian will explain what temperament is; the qualities of hot, cold, wet and dry as components of the elements, planets, signs and humors; and the humors themselves: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.  We will explore the ideas of  Empedocles, Hippocrates, Aristotle, the Stoics, Ptolemy and Galen, as well as the medieval astrologers who used temperament in chart analysis.  We will also discover the modern applications of temperament in the work of people such as Carl Jung and Rudolf Steiner.  Finally, Dorian will talk about the study she did on assessing temperament in the birthchart, and the methods she uses for applying this technique in our astrological work. 


The second part of the day will be devoted to putting these techniques into practice.  Why is temperament something astrologers should use in chart interpretation?  What is your temperament, and how is it reflected in your birthchart?  We’ll use the charts of some well-known people (George Bush, Barbara Walters and George Harrison, among others), and there will be lots of time to practice the technique and really get it under your belt.


Chart Construction Made Simple

At the NCGR Education Conference

November 6-9, 2003, Minneapolis, MN

Go to www.geocosmic.org for details


This class will teach you how to construct an astrological chart by hand.  We will cover all of the procedures necessary for building a birth chart, using the Ephemeris and Table of Houses.  This method involves no more than being able to read a table and knowledge of basic arithmetic, so even math-phobes can do it!


Ancient Science and Astrology

At Bath Spa University, Bath, England

Tuesday, November 18, 2003 (not open to the public)


An exploration of the connections among ancient Greek scientific theories, astrological elements, ancient Greek medicine and astrological determination of temperament.


Astrology and Heredity: Finding Patterns through Generations

At the Astrological Lodge, London

Monday, November 24, 2003, 7:00 pm

Go to http://www.astrolodge.co.uk for details


Have you ever wondered if there are astrological patterns in families?  There are!  Even without timed charts, you can find certain things (aspects, elements, modes) popping up time and time again in families over generations; with timed charts, the possibilities are even greater.  Using her own multi-generational family with timed charts as the example (her great grand-aunt was an astrologer), Dorian will talk about how to find family patterns both astrologically and psychologically. 


Metaphors from Birth to Death in the Phases of the Moon: How Ancient Astrology Viewed the Lunar Cycle

At the Company of Astrologers, London

Wednesday, November 26, 2003, 7:30 pm

Go to http://coa.hubcom.net for details


At NCGR, Boston, Massachusetts

January 10, 2004


To the ancients, the Moon was a living, visible image whose physical characteristics provided instant astrological description.  With its cycle of growth and decay, it furnished a clear analogy to life on earth.  The Greeks considered this cycle to be of immense importance in astrological practice.  The Moon and the Sun, as the two luminaries, preside over the heavens in an intricate dance that provides a backdrop to all that takes place around it.  Dorian will talk about the words used for each of the 11 phases the Greeks used, and the analogies we can make for each phase to the human life cycle.


Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key: an introduction

At Astrological Society of Princeton, Princeton, New Jersey

March 7, 2004

In this introduction to temperament and how it can be used in astrological practice, Dorian will explain the ancient concept of temperament and its long history in astrology.  She will talk about the qualities hot, cold, wet and dry as components of the elements, planets, signs and humors; and the humors themselves: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.  Why is temperament something astrologers should use in chart interpretation? What is your temperament, and how is it reflected in your birthchart?  Drawing on her own research, and using modern charts as examples, Dorian will outline ways for you to incorporate this ancient doctrine into your own astrological practice.




Other Lecture Topics


Email me for details and fees: astrology@aurumtel.com

Other Topics in addition to those listed above and below may also be arranged


A Day in the Life of Paul of Alexandria: How an Ancient Astrologer Practiced his Art

Day Workshop


When Astrology was the World View: Connecting with the Past and Inventing the Future

Evening Talk






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Last Updated 5 July 2004