© 1997, revised 2003 by Dorian Gieseler
Studying family
relationships through astrology has always interested me. In particular, I am intrigued by the astrological
patterns that make up the charts of families, and how these are manifested in
the lives of each family member. I am
also interested in genealogy, and during the last three years I have begun to
explore my own roots in depth. It is
the story of the merging of these two interests that I would like to tell now.
In August of 1991, during the
beginning of my Pluto square Pluto year (transiting Pluto was 1° from my natal
Mercury as well), my mother and I discovered a cache of old letters among my late
grandmother's papers. There were about
500 of them, written to my great-grandmother, Josephine Webling-Watts, by her 5
sisters in England and Canada. My
mother and I had had no knowledge of their existence, but as we began to read,
we were captivated by the fascinating stories they contained.
And in reading the
letters, I found something that was very exciting to me personally: my
great-grandmother's oldest sister, Ethel, was, among other things, an amateur astrologer and a Theosophist! In one of the
letters she spoke of my maternal grandfather's chart to his mother: "I
will tell you of his horoscope, as I said before, he is held back -- and his
character is complicated and so dualistic -- bright, severe, venturesome,
timid; life hanging before him like a dream yet wrapped up in material
things." (letter of October 31, 1916) (See his chart below.)
As I continued
reading, I looked for clues about the birthdates of the sisters. Early on, in another letter of Ethel's, I
found out the birth date and time of my grandfather, Ruskin. I was also thrilled to discover the birth
date of my great-grandmother, Josephine, in letters wishing her "many
happy returns of the 7th" (it was August 7th that they were referring
to). Eventually, I was able to figure
out birth dates for three of the other sisters as well.
At that point, I had
no expectations of finding out anything more about my ancestors' birth
times. However, in 1994 I was invited
to England to visit one of the last surviving children of the sisters. It was when I arrived at my cousin Louis
McRaye's seminary (he is a priest) that I came upon "the mother
lode," so to speak. Louis invited
me to look through his collection of the sisters' papers, which he had stored
since his mother's death in 1952. Among
them was a small postcard dated May 10, 1906, addressed to Ethel in her
mother's hand. On it she had written
the birthdates and times of her children (seven in all), and Ethel had added
birth dates for her maternal grandparents and paternal grandfather. You can imagine my joy at finding this
card! I was now able to chart five
generations of my ancestors and descendants with birth times, and seven
generations with birth dates.
Although space does not permit a
thorough analysis here, I would like to share with you some of the information
I have discovered. The following charts
show four generations of direct descent.
My great-grandmother,
Josephine Webling-Watts, was born August 7, 1862 at 2:00 p.m. GMT in London,
England. As a girl and young adult, she
performed with her sisters in dramatic recitals all over England, including one
for the then Prince of Wales, Edward VII.
As an adult she was a lecturer and a suffragist. Her Sun in the 9th house and nodal polarity
in Gemini - Sagittarius show her strong intellectual bent. Her Mars square Venus represents her involvement with the suffrage
movement. Sun and Mercury elevated in
Leo show the passion for drama. Note
also the T-Square of Venus opposite Moon both squaring Mars.
Her son, my grandfather Ruskin
Watts, was born on November 7, 1895 at 7:00 a.m. EST in Nutley, NJ. He was a fighter pilot in World War I who
came home and made a fortune in the printing business. He was married 4 times, and fathered a son
at the age of 66. An elevated Jupiter
in Leo in the 9th square Mars, Saturn and Sun in Scorpio show his Jupiterian
personality: he was expansive, bombastic and dominated the people he was with.
For privacy reasons, I
will not give the birth data for my mother, Patricia Watts Gieseler. She is a strong woman, like many in my
family, and her chart shows it. The
fixed grand crosses are striking in this chart, and her life on the
psychological level has not been easy.
However, she is a survivor, as shown by the Sun trine Mars.
Again for privacy
reasons, I will not give my own birth data.
Like my mother, I am strong-willed, creative and analytical. There is no doubt I am my mother's child
astrologically! (Fixed T-Squares/Grand
Crosses, strong Leo archetype and Jupiter in the 7th house.) But what is even more fascinating to me is
the fact that all these charts have
major similarities. The most striking
ones are listed below:
The axis orientation of these charts is
similar. Three of us have Scorpio
rising and the other has Scorpio on the MC - IC axis.
Fixed signs are strong in these
charts. (It was no surprise to me to
find that this was so -- we are intense, opinionated and strong-willed, with a
great capacity for endurance.)
of us have strong Leo archetype -- Josephine and Dorian have Sun and Mercury
in Leo (Dorian also has South Node and Pluto in Leo) and Patricia, in addition to
Leo rising, has 3 planets (2 of them personal) in Leo. As I said before, Josephine was an actress
and lecturer; I have performed for most of my life as either a singer or an
actor; my mother was very successful as a smoke-cessation teacher (I feel that
teaching involves a certain amount of dramatic flair!).
of us also have strong Scorpio archetype
-- Josephine, Ruskin and Dorian have Scorpio rising, Ruskin has 4 planets
in Scorpio and Dorian has Mars in Scorpio and Sun, Mercury and South Node
Pluto (which, though it does not
rule Scorpio, certainly has affinities with it). Ruskin and Josephine also have personal planets in the 8th
house. Power struggles, deep personal
transformation, and emotional intensity are just some of the Scorpionic themes
running through the family.
of the four also have cardinal moons
-- Ruskin and Dorian in Cancer, Josephine in Capricorn (opposing her son's
Cancer Moon). It is also interesting
that all four moons are in compatible earth and water elements.
four of us show a complete lack of sanguine
temperament, and three of four have
quite a bit of choleric (for more information about temperament, see
my article “Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key.” As a family, we are rather strong-willed and
not at all interested in being charming social butterflies.
As I continue to
analyze the data from all generations of my family, I am able to say at this
point that the similarities I have noted in the above charts seem to be borne
out over the other generations. We are
a "fixed" family with strong Scorpio and Leo archetypes, and overall are low in
air/sanguine. The axis orientation is
particularly striking, with over 50% either Scorpio - Taurus or Leo - Aquarius.
Further investigation
reveals aspect patterns repeated over generations and synastry between
generations. It is also very useful to
look at the charts and people who do not fit the family pattern. Why is this so (is it inheritance from those
who married into the family, perhaps?)
and how do they function in the family?
Are they there to enable the other members of the family to learn about
what they lack? To me these are all
fascinating aspects of the puzzle that is astrological heredity.
& Olympiodorus
Astrology Institute
Email me
Last Updated 12 March 2003