Elements and Humors, from
Bartholomaeus Anglicus, On the Properties of Things,
15th century,
France, Le Mans
by Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum
As working
astrologers, we are always looking for ways to understand and help our clients
better. As teachers, we want to give
our students tools to enable them to become better astrologers. When we look at a chart, most of us try
first to “get a handle” on the basic theme of the chart, to find the underlying
gestalt. We want to see what
makes our clients tick, where they’re coming from, and how they might react to
the experiences they encounter. In my
experience, one of the best ways to discover this information is through an analysis
of temperament in the chart. The
concept of temperament has been used for thousands of years by ancient and
classical astrologers, but it has been largely ignored by modern
astrology. I’d like to take this
opportunity to bring it out into the light again.
Why temperament?
In my research on the history of astrology and
classical techniques, temperament has gradually come to stand out as a vital
component of chart interpretation. I
have found through my studies that knowing someone’s temperament becomes a
great help in understanding them and their reactions. Traditional astrologers had a number of means for discovering
temperament in the birthchart, and I have worked on refining these methods to
find a way for modern astrologers to incorporate this technique in their work.
What is temperament?
Some of you may be asking, quite rightly, what it is
that I mean by “temperament.” Am I
talking about personality, or character?
Not exactly. Personality can
incorporate parts of someone’s temperament in its expression, but it is not the
same as temperament. Personality is
shaped by both internal and external factors, whereas temperament is entirely
innate. Character, too, is partly
innate, but it has more of a connection with the moral nature of a person, at
least in modern connotation (where we speak of someone’s “good” or “bad”
character). The original meaning of the
word “character” is stamp, which also implies an impression on the person,
coming from without (parental or societal) rather than within.
Temperament, by contrast, is inherent, and able to
be seen from birth. As any parent
knows, babies show their own temperamental styles almost from the time they
exit the womb. And usually these styles
do not change very much, but only become more pronounced with age. This is what I mean by temperament, and this
is what I will be exploring in this article, and in my talk in January.
Origins and Principles of Temperament
The idea of temperament, as a component of body and
soul, was realized by the Greek philosophers and physicians, and applied by
Greek astrologers at least from the time of Ptolemy. Temperament as a concept is based on the four qualities, hot,
cold, wet and dry; the four elements, fire, earth,
air and water; and the four humors, choleric, melancholic,
sanguine and phlegmatic. All people are composed of a mixture of these qualities, elements
and humors, and the mixture is called the “temperament.” In fact, the word temperamentum in
Latin means “mixture,” as does its Greek equivalent, krasis.
In some people, one or another of the humors is
predominant, and we can easily see that such a person is, for example,
“melancholic;” we observe such a person as being “cold and dry” (to bring in
the qualities) and perhaps introverted, analytical, pessimistic. A sanguine, by contrast, would be seen as
friendly, outgoing, and social: “hot and wet.”
Phlegmatics, “cold and wet,” might very well be reserved and even
somewhat lethargic. Cholerics, on the
other hand, rush in and take charge, even recklessly: they are “hot and
dry.” It’s easy to see from these
descriptions how the humors relate to the elements: cholerics are associated,
with fire, sanguines with air, phlegmatics with water, and melancholics with
earth. Seasons, too, are also
associated with qualities/humors: spring is hot and wet, and sanguine; summer
is hot and dry, and choleric; fall is cold and dry, and melancholic; and winter
is cold and wet, and phlegmatic.
Now, it would be easy
to figure out temperament if everyone were predominantly one humor. The problem (well, it’s really the glorious
diversity of human beings) is that many people are not predominantly one, but a
mixture of two or even more humors.
(And to compound things further, the “ideal” is actually a balance of
the four humors. It’s when they are
imbalanced that problems arise, both in medicine and in psychology.) So our task as astrologers becomes to figure
out, by using the birthchart, the predominant temperament as well as whatever
other temperamental influences there are.
Some people will indeed lean strongly in the direction of one particular
temperament, but others will seem to have a sub-temperament as well, and still
others will actually be fairly well-balanced.
Finding the Temperament
So how do we go about
finding the temperament? Astrologers have,
over the millennia, devised some very elaborate ways of determining it. On the other hand, non-astrologers, such as
Carl Jung and Rudolf Steiner, have used observation to ascertain the
temperament. Jung developed his
well-known models of psychological types – introvert/extravert,
feeling/thinking/sensation/intuition – by
studying earlier temperament models; and Steiner, adhering much more
closely to the astrological model, made observation of temperament a key
component in how to teach children. In my
study of this concept, which has incorporated both a history of temperament and
a study of temperament in Steiner’s Waldorf Schools, I have developed a
technique that seems, anecdotally at least, to be fairly accurate at
determining temperament from the birthchart.
Key parts of the chart which seem to be involved with finding
temperament include both the Ascendant and the Moon, and, interestingly enough,
the season of birth. This method is
explored in depth in my book, Temperament and Astrology in Theory, History
and Practice.
& Olympiodorus
Astrology Institute
Email me
Last Updated 5 March 2003